By the Neranjarà

Not halting, not straining, He crossed the flood.

Excellence is not an act, but a habit.

Therefore I say to all of you, Ānanda: "Keep up this good practice that I have founded. Do not be my final man."

  • One's biggest enemy is his ego. One's biggest loss is to lose himself.
  • Arrogance is the worst defeat. Self-deprecation is the most pitiable thing.
  • Compassion and impermanence awareness arising within one's mind are the greatest gifts.

So Ānanda, after I have passed, let the teaching be your island, live as your own island, your own refuge, with no other refuge.

For the independent there's no agitation. When there's no agitation there is tranquility. When there is tranquility there's no inclination. When there's no inclination, there's no coming and going. When there's no coming and going, there's no passing away and reappearing. When there's no passing away and reappearing there's no this world or world beyond or between the two.

Just this is the end of suffering.


Buddha - Teaching - Saṅgha - Ethics - Generosity - Deities

Namo Buddhāya


True freedom

Who can track the footsteps of One who leaves no trace? The tranquility of deeds - words - thoughts is the presence of a Buddha. The indefinitude of those is the extinguishment of a Buddha.

Namo Dhammāya


Let it be

Even the wisest words are like a raft for riding on to reach the far shore, not for holding onto all the time. Only the unbound Dhamma is the true Dhamma.

Namo Saṅghāya


Walk with the wise, become wise

If one cannot find wise advisors or good-knowing companions, he should strive to live enduring dangers undismayed, wandering alone, like a rhinoceros horn.

Discipline - Analyses


Virtue, responsibility, protection

Ethics (Sīla), Precepts (Sikkhāpada), Discipline (Pàtimokkha), Regulations (Khandhaka), Rules (Vinaya).

The initial disciples had mostly undergone training with various ascetics and non-Buddhist teachers for a long period, so non-negligence had become a natural part of their character. Therefore, the teacher Gotama only needed to guide them in Morality (Sīla), Concentration (Samādhi), and Wisdom (Paññā). The rules (Vinaya) only gradually appeared as the number of disciples increased rapidly later on... >>> Details

Explanation and discussion of the Dhamma

- How can a drop of water not dry up?
- Drop it into the ocean.

Commentaries, annotations, and analyses of traditional scriptures, as well as the novels (sometimes also referred to as 'sūtras'), are the doctrinal points created by later disciples based on the original teachings of Master Gotama... >>> Details

Non-Buddhist teaching of liberation

"These big fishes in this small pond are all covered by this net; even if they leap up, they are still confined and covered here."

Compilation of the differing and similar interpretations of various religions, their founders, teachers, philosophers, practitioners, and renowned speakers throughout history that humanity has preserved and recorded... >>> Details

Other sources of materials

"Ipse se nihil scire id unum sciat."

Compilation of some websites, resources, libraries, and commonly used dictionaries for Buddhists and scholars of Buddhist studies... >>> Details


Good Mind Good Day



When facing every problem, large or small, human beings are always influenced by preconceived conclusions, explanations, and social prejudices.

  • Parents, teachers, society, and religion—all say 'do this' and 'don't do that.'
  • We dig a small hole and imprison ourselves in it, letting life pass by.
  • The best and most beautiful thing is when you are alone.

Life is a continuous movement in relation; to try to capture this movement in the form of the past, such as memory, is to fear life.

Lao tzu


A good man does not think himself good, and a foolish man is always trying to appear good.

  • The most humble person is not really humble.
  • One cannot stand on one leg for long.
  • One cannot walk with legs spread apart.

To know others is intelligence, to know oneself is wisdom. To conquer others is strength, to conquer oneself is true courage.



"Mahā" means great, surpassing. "Kāla" means time, darkness, emptiness. Mahākāla transcends time and space.

  • An incarnation of Mahāvairocana Buddha embodies the quality of destruction.
  • An aspect of Shiva dissolves everything back into the primal Void.
  • Deep blackness represents the absence and complete dissolution of all phenomena.

Mahākāla, fierce and destructive, devastates all of nature and even deities; this represents the Age of Destruction and Emptiness, where time and space are almost beyond conception.


No Coming No Going

Whatever beings have gathered here, on the ground or in the sky, may beings all be of happy heart. So pay heed, all you beings, have love for all creatures. Whatever beings have gathered here, may you be safe.


Sutta Nipāta

Justifiable faith is a person's best wealth. One who is diligent and discerning, the teaching brings him happiness when practiced well. Truth is the sweetest taste of all. The one they say has the best life lives by wisdom.


Sutta Nipāta

As a mother would protect her only child with her life, so too for all creatures, unfold a boundless heart. When standing, walking, sitting, or lying down, keep this ever in mind; for it is a divine meditation in this life.


Sutta Nipāta

Everything is impermanent, Dukkha arises from clinging. When the mind is under control, you need only shield it from where the bad things come, not from everything. Everything is non-self, Nibbana is non-clinging.


Samyutta Nikāya