Deep gratitude.

Original foundation:

  • Innumerable ancient Buddhas in the past.
  • Sakya Gotama (Siddhattha).
  • Sāriputta (Upatissa), Moggallāna (Kolita).
  • Mahākassapa, Ānanda, the great Sāvakas, the Sangha, and lay practitioners 2,600 years ago.

Passed down to this age:

  • All lineages of the Dhamma, monastics and lay practitioners.
  • The teachings, analyses, and resources of the teachers, good friends, and wise companions.
  • Media, technology, printing, and storage through various historical periods.

Safeguard for future generations:

  • Those who have, are, and will continue to protect, preserve, and carry on the Path across all realms, throughout all time-space.
  • All favorable conditions, obstacles, advantages, and setbacks that come and go throughout the journey.

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